Today is the last lesson of Yamaha JMC that lasted for 2 years. Can't believe we are persistance enough to complete all of the 4 stages.
At every completion of the stage, I have no confidence if I can help you to make it further through. To be honest, I did think about giving up some point at the time. But I wanted so much to give you a chance to prove that "you-can-make-it" too, though slow.
Gradually, I see the rewards. And I'm very proud to see your achievement for the past 3 months.
Children in this course will learn three basic elements of music : rhythm, melody and harmony through hearing, singing and playing. Based on the above criterias, here is mommy's rating to you :-
Hearing Part : Excellent (able to hear and express all of the musical notes, chords & songs accurately. A pefect pitch you had achieved !)
Singing Part : Moderate (if only you concentrate and sing, your high pitch vocal will make you an outstanding singer)
Piano Playing : Good (you have good memory and keyboard harmony. But need improvement in fingering part)

Ms Kwong has been conducting the class for this 2 years. Besides having a a sweet face and a sweet smile, she has a great vocal too. I think everyone will hold their breathe and listen quietly when she sings. Here, I want to thank her for all the patience and dedication in teaching the children.

In the last lesson, the students are required to take part in a mini concert, held in the classroom. Vincent played "Magic Flute" and "Poor Kitten" this time.

As part of the FSS test (Fundamental Skills Survey), the kids need to sing a song in group. Ms Kwong had chosen "Let's Be Friend" for them. They have been practicing this song since weeks ago before the end of the course. At first, they couldn't cope with singing and acting at the same time. Gradually, they show some improvement, though not perfect yet.

Supposingly, there should be 5 children to perform this song. However, one boy was absent due to schooling matter that day. As for the other girl, she had decided not to participate in the graduation ceremony nor the FSS test. Wonder why?

Anyway, the 5 of us (parents) are cooperative enough to continue the course till its end. Should any of us quit, the class would become too small that Tom Lee Music Centre would have to dismiss the class and assign us to other class. And this can only be done if there is any appropriate class available for us. Thank God, this didn't happen !

Originally, the class consisted of 12 children. But, 7 kids had dropped the course throughout the time continuum. The success rate is barely 42%.
For the remaining 5 children and their parents (Matthew, Tze Ho, Kimmy, Crystal, Vincent), they deserve a big applause !!

The kid on the left, a future Yahama-JMC student he will be. I wonder if Ms Kwong will become his instructor as well? I certainly hope so.

The graduation ceremony was held in HK Jockey Club Auditorium, at 16-Sep. There are around 600 graduates around HK in this batch.
As for Ms Kwong's students, they perform "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

I wish all of you to become the Star of Tomorrow, no matter what you choose to do in the future.