Bye-Bye Kindergarten
Through all the barricades, it's time to leave the kindergarten that you have been studying for 3 years. How time does fly...
I'm not sure how you feel about leaving this school, cause you seem so fine with it . As for mommy, I have had many mixed feelings about it.
I'm not sure how you feel about leaving this school, cause you seem so fine with it . As for mommy, I have had many mixed feelings about it.
Soon, we have to leave the comfort zone and enter another new phase in life. I guarantee there will be a lot of new challenges ahead of us. But do not worry, let's embrace everything with an open heart. Mommy will walk you along the path no matter what happen.
Soon, we have to leave the comfort zone and enter another new phase in life. I guarantee there will be a lot of new challenges ahead of us. But do not worry, let's embrace everything with an open heart. Mommy will walk you along the path no matter what happen.
They may not know one another well, and they may forget one another fast. But who know, maybe one day, time will bring them together again.
Looking at those young faces, I wonder what will they be when they grow up?
Congratulation son.
This is just the 1st graduation in your journey of life. I'm sure there will be many other graduation awaiting for you. Strive up !!