Monday, July 07, 2008

Self Evaluation

The day before the final semester ended, you did something that moved my heart very much.
That night, you went to sleep as usual. But 10 minutes later, we saw you dashing out from your bedroom. You ran straight to your school bag and pull out a piece of small paper from the pocket there. You said the class teacher had asked you to write things on it and must return the paper to her the next day.
It was a self-evaluation form that contains 2 questions.

Have you set any goal for this year ?
(I asked you what do you want to write about your goals, and you sort of tell me this)

Goal 1 : I want to go to P2 (primary 2)
Goal 2 : I want to learn maths, Chinese, English and other subjects better.

What is the progress? Can you meet the target ?

(It's kind of difficult for you. So I just asked you to write down what mummy thinks instead)
Although slow, I can do it.

"Although slow, you can do it !" - is mummy's experiences with you all these years. You've never failed to show me how true it is. In fact, it has become my faith in you. I just hope everyone, especially your teachers, will see this in you and help you as much as mommy and daddy do too.

You didn't do good in P1, but the result isn't that matter to daddy and I. To us, we are satisfied to see your big improvement in this 1 year time. We will not give you up no matter how. Let's move on together, ok !

Lastly, I am happy to see you start to show more concerns and responsibilities on your homework as well as the 'words' from your teacher. That shows you do care, and that's very encouraging to me.


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