Friday, March 27, 2009

Have A Little Faith

That morning, you were swallowing the supplement pills as per normal day...

All the while, I told you that those pills are good for your brain, and it can help you to become 'more clever' one day. You are so willing to co-operate because you so want to be 'clever', and if this is the way to achieve it, you would love to comply.

But at that morning, while you were swallowing the pills, out of a sudden, you asked me why other kids were born clever, but you were not? And why I didn't born you as clever as the other kids do?

I think I see the sadness in your eyes, and that break my heart into pieces again. Honestly, I have asked myself the same questions too, but I have no definite answers for any of this.

There is nothing I can said at that time except that I guarantee you that I will love you for who you are, and for no matter what. And I promise I will walk you through all the hinders ahead of us.

The good sign is, you have started to acknowledge your problem. That means you are getting increasingly mature now. Really, mommy have faith in you. I believe though slow, you will be there one day. We will work together for that, ok !


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